Life Groups.

As a cell based church, our mission is to equip ordinary people to be Christ-Like Transformers of society through small groups, life groups. Currently, there are about 20 life groups affiliated to Gaba church. Life groups help to promote interactions, engagements and insights on the word of God at a more personal level. These contain a maximum of 12 members who converge on any day of the week, mainly Wednesdays, and share amongst each other about the word of God basically majoring on the Sunday sermons.

These meetings are made easier with a set of questions crafted by the pastoral team every week, which help guide participants on how to tackle the theme at hand.

Signing up makes it easy for you to find a life group that is in your locality or neighborhood, appropriate for your age-bracket, so that you may find it easy to meet up with people you find comfort with.

You can as well open up your home for a life group, or facilitate a life group; registration with the discipleship office is open from Tuesdays to Fridays.

Who is in my group?

The life groups are open to anyone who wishes to join, and signing can be done in the connection tent after the Sunday services or the discipleship office at Gaba church. Ideally, each group includes 6 to 15 people who live in the same neighbourhood. Groups are multi-generational, with men and women, married couples and singles, from various backgrounds. This diversity allows you to draw on the wisdom of different life experiences—and share yours as well.

Who leads my group?

Each group has a leader who is a member The Peoples Church and who has leadership gifts, spiritual maturity and biblical training. You may join a group that already has a leader—or you might be just the person to become a leader.

When and where do we meet?

Our life groups occur in the various nearby universities, home-steads and church grounds. Your group will set its own meeting time and place—usually once every week at church or in the home of someone who has agreed to be a host. Groups are most meaningful when everyone makes a commitment to meet consistently.

What happens during group meetings?

Life Group meetings provide a place to connect, catch up as friends and enjoy a meal or refreshments, as well as to engage in meaningful discussion that helps you apply God’s Word to your everyday life.

Why you should join a lifegroup

  • To establish meaningful relationships.
  • To grow in my relationship with God and others.
  • To find strength when I am in need.
  • To develop the ministries that God has given me.
  • To help me evangelise.
  • To share my faith in Christ.
  • To meet the practical needs of others.
  • To be part of a team.
  • To use my spiritual gifts.

Join a life group today and BE TRANSFORMED TO TRANSFORM.